Recall Empower Motivation Fitness is an IRS approved 501(c)(3) not for profit organization so your donations may be tax deductible.

How would you like to impact the lives of people
with movement disorders and their caregivers?

We have partnered with the Community Foundation of Anne Arundel County to establish the David Junkins Endowment Fund for EMF. This fund, named after the late founding Board Member David Junkins, supports the current and future work of Empower Motivation Fitness.
See https://www.cfaac.org/EMF for further information or to donate directly to this fund now.

For Federal employees, Empower Motivation Fitness is Combined Federal Campaign Charity # 22870.

Donate using PayPal or credit or debit card

EMF will connect you directly with the vault operations of the world standard of safe and secure transactions, PayPal when you hit the button below. Just follow the simple instructions provided and you will receive an on-line receipt from PayPal. After a few days well you will receive a letter of appreciation presentable as proof of your generous gift.

Donate by check

Make check payable to

EMFMaryland and mail to
EMF, 2024 West St
Suite 101
Annapolis, MD 21401

Donate cash, securities, goods, or services

Contact us using form below so we can work together on special arrangements

Why We’re Asking You to Donate

Parkinson’s Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Huntington’s and other conditions resulting in tremor or movement impairment often results in loss of social interaction.  Intense Physical Therapy, Music Therapy, or Cognitive Therapy can immediately improve a patient’s ability to cope with movement disorders, but offer scant opportunity for more complex social interaction, for finding understanding and support from a community, for building friendships.

EMPOWER MOTIVATION FITNESS offers a series of group physical, music, and cognitive therapy programs to combat social isolation while improving physical skills and movement.

EMPOWER MOTIVATION FITNESS offers caregivers a way to speak and be heard by others who share the joys and burdens of helping loved ones who have movement disabilities.

EMPOWER MOTIVATION FITNESS reaches out to the estimated 2,400 people in Anne Arundel County who deal with movement impairment (as well as to those in neighboring areas) who might benefit from being part of a strong and vibrant community of understanding people.

EMPOWER MOTIVATION FITNESS works with the movement impaired, their physical therapists, their physicians, and their families to enhance their fight against the symptoms and social isolation that accompanies so many movement disorders and conditions.

Growing out of the personal experience of caring for his stepfather who faced Parkinson’s, Physical Therapist David Fletcher began offering a Rock Steady Boxing program to his Physical Therapy clients.  Through word of mouth and based on Fletcher’s sterling reputation as the best Physical Therapist in Annapolis (What’s Up Annapolis Award), RSB classes expanded to three separate groups meeting two to three times per week.

But Fletcher had a bigger vision, to reach all of the movement impaired people in the Annapolis Area with multiple programs promoting a full life, social interaction, and supportive listening.  Fletcher assembled a team of seasoned professionals to start a Group Music Therapy program, along with a weekly Choral Group.  Additionally, he brought in a facilitator to offer sessions in Compassionate Listening for Care Givers.  Coming under the umbrella of EMF, all of these programs are guided by the 501( c ) 3 Organization’s Executive Board.

Currently the Board of EMF has decided to raise funds to expand EMF operations, including moving to a larger space, increasing the staff size, and offering more programs.  Additionally, the Board is looking to find those people with movement disorders who cannot afford the nominal payments for EMF programs and provide them with access to all the services EMF offers at no charge.

In order to accomplish these goals, we need your help, your commitment to our under-served community, your time, your financial contribution.

Our goal is $5,000,000.

Every dollar counts! Consider one of the following categories or write in your own amount.

Financial Sponsorships

Naming Sponsor         $1,000,000
Our facilities will bear your name on all signage, letterhead, and promotional materials. Your funds will be used to provide ongoing space for all our activities for five years.

Champion Sponsor     $100,000 – $999,000
A variety of naming opportunities, such as equipment areas or library or staff position(s)

Brand Sponsor            $10,000 – $99,000
Prominent acknowledgment of name or brand to be customized with donor input.

Scholarship Sponsor   $1,500 per person
Provides scholarships for underprivileged participant

Sponsor                       $5- $1,499
Provides general support for programs and operations

Volunteer Support

EMF needs people who can donate time participating on a regular basis.  Volunteer

opportunities include COACHES to help clients during their program sessions, MARKETERS to

assist with promoting EMF in the community, both online and in person, and ADMIN

ASSISTANTS to help answer phones and dealing with various business operations.

Professional Medical Support

EMF wants Medical Professionals and Therapists of all types to evaluate our efforts and share

with potential clients the news and benefits of attending EMF sessions.

In Kind Donations

A variety of exercise equipment and musical instruments is needed, as well as office furniture

and supplies.  If you wish to donate any of these items, you can contact us to discuss your

Donation, secure a tax receipt, and/or make arrangements for pick up and delivery.

Cars, Boats, Stocks, and other donations are welcome, but as with ALL donations, please consult

with your personal attorney, CPA, or other tax or financial professional to discuss all aspects

and personal financial impacts of your donation. Please note that EMF cannot value your in-

kind donations per U.S. Tax Regulations.  EMF is a registered 501( c )3 Not for Profit

Organization and subject to all benefits and laws pertaining to its operation.

Any and all donations of money, time, and support will greatly help to end social isolation of the movement impaired and provide important physical and psychological benefits to both clients and their care givers.